Healing Place Church

Healing Place Church in Houston; Deliverance From Poverty, Rejection, Hatred, Sickness, Long-Suffering, Miscarriage & More

Healing Place Church; The mission of the church must include healing because it is a fundamental tenet of the Christian faith. In many different ways, the church aids in the healing process, which is a crucial role it plays. The power of the Holy Spirit, community, prayer, and the role of faith are all discussed in this article as they relate to how healing occurs in churches.

Healing Place Church in Houston; Deliverance From Poverty, Rejection, Hatred, Sickness, Long-Suffering, Miscarriage & More

Healing Place Church; The mission of the church must include healing because it is a fundamental tenet of the Christian faith. In many different ways, the church aids in the healing process, which is a crucial role it plays. The power of the Holy Spirit, community, prayer, and the role of faith are all discussed in this article as they relate to how healing occurs in churches.

Healing and Deliverance Church Near Me; “To End affliction, Wipeout tears, Restore men to their destinies through the Revelation of the Word (Bible), Manifestation of power and Reality of the Holy Spirit”. This mandate, God gave to his servant Apostle Johnson Suleman so many years ago. To the glory of God, there has been a tremendous move of the power of God in the lives of thousands all over the world. For men to be restored, healing and deliverance must take place through the word of God, revelation and manifestation of the Holy Spirit.
Healing and Deliverance Church Near Me


Imagine sailing in a turbulent sea, perhaps all alone or with your family and friends right in the middle of the sea. No life jacket and to make matters worse not even a person amongst you can swim unimaginably eerie right? The world has been a turbulent sea for millions of people, stressed filled, worried and uncertain if they will survive the next day. Therefore, this has become the sole reason why people seek healing and deliverance and every other solution as it relates to their problems.

At this point, God becomes the only option where we can get ameliorated off all the worries of life. Talking to a brother, a sister or even a pastor becomes one of the ways to get relieved. Hence, it is the sole responsibility of the Houston church to ensure that we encourage one another. Even as we journey through our Christian walk with God in faith and pay deaf ears to the storms of life. One of the ways we do this is by ministering healing and deliverance to people like you in need of one.

Are you in dire need of healing and deliverance and would like to talk to or pray with someone from our local church.

Please contact +18325988144 or send a mail to ofmhoustontx@gmail.com we love you and expect to hear from you soon. God bless you.


This bible excerpt from the book of James gives us a clue to what healing and deliverance entail. “Is anyone among you sick? Let him call for the elders of the church. And let them pray over him, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord. And the prayer of faith will save the sick and the Lord will raise him. And if he has committed sins, he will be forgiven. Confess your trespasses to one another and pray for one another. That you may be healed, the effective, fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much.” James 5:14-16
Healing and deliverance churches in Houston Tx
In essence, the healing and deliverance ministry is focused on helping people to walk into freedom from every kind of oppression. This oppression could be a physical ailment or a spiritual one. Spiritual in the sense that, one may be possessed by demons and suffering from attacks and oppressions by the evil one. And sometimes, healing and deliverance can also be administered to one who is depressed, hurt, bittered or in pain, such persons need inner healing.

As a result of the current happenings in the world, healing and deliverance have become one of the most effective ways to win souls for Christ. Is this the only way? No! Most people are hurting and in dire need of a solution. And if as a man of God, you do not provide or proffer a solution to the problem, you lose them to the world. Hence, the manifestation of the healing and deliverance ministry becomes one of the ways to convince these people of the reality of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Jesus’ Healing And Deliverance Ministry

See a good example in the gospel of Acts 10:38 “How God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Ghost and power. Who went about doing good and healing all that were oppressed of the devil for God was with him”. the last phrase of this verse ‘for God was with him’ indicates that the physical manifestation of the power of healing and deliverance is one way to tell that God is with a man. In other words, Jesus would not have been able to win the souls he won those days if there was no physical manifestation of such power. For example, healing the blind, curing deafness, leprosy and paralysis and miracles such as providing physical food for the 5,000.
Jesus’ Healing And Deliverance Ministry
However, one striking thing about his ministry is that his healing and deliverance ministry consisted of healing not only the sick but also delivering those who were dead. God’s compassion for all his children is revealed in the human touch of Jesus, in the restoration to the community of those considered outcasts, and in the salvia healing of sin and death. It is therefore important to understand that God is the healer and the deliverer. Healing and deliverance are not more of a process but can only be administered through the person of Jesus Christ.

Therefore, in desiring to minister or receive healing and deliverance from a church nearby or by faith from far and wide, we must learn to focus our faith on him. By always remembering that healing and deliverance come from his presence and not from our mere human beliefs. 1 Corinthians 2:5 “So that your faith might not rest in the wisdom of men (human philosophy), but in the power of God. Jesus Himself gave the pronouncement in Mark 16:18 hence, the purpose of this healing and deliverance ministry is to walk people into freedom through healing and deliverance by faith.

On the other hand, a lot of people are hungry for the full manifestation of the life of Jesus in their lives. But are restricted by fear, anger, immorality, lies, cheating, unforgiveness and depression. This and many more are evidence that the devil has gained control over such individuals and no matter how they try to live a life that pleases God, a strong force keeps holding them back. More of the reason why we are focused on healing and deliverance in this ministry


Healing soaking prayer what is it? It is simply a prayer you make by coming into the presence of God with the intent of experiencing his compassionate, revelatory, healing and deliverance touch. Allowing his compassion to heal your heart and refine your soul and thought pattern. Where you can wholeheartedly ask for the cause of some infirmities in your life. And when revealed can be resolved through prayer which in the long run brings about healing and deliverance.

You may be confused on how to go about a healing soaking prayer, consider taking these steps and if you still want to talk to someone please contact +18325988144 or send a mail to dec2one@gmail.com

> Find a quiet place

> Listen to worship songs

> Try to take away every thought from your head

> Invite the Holy ghost by asking him to soak you in his presence

> Let you gaze be upon Him

> Open yourself to believe that He is working on you

> Spend time by waiting in His presence

> Sit and watch His transforming power

> Observe these steps and your life will be transformed through soaking in His presence. You will be equipped to impact your world and be given the chance to see the world through Jesus’ eyes.

Other prayers you can pray to minister healing and deliverance to your soul are deliverance prayer. These prayers are targeted towards hindering the arrows of the enemy against your life. Evident through witchcraft and other demonic means. Our deliverance prayers are effective prayers against foundational and spiritual problems.

Every Friday at 7 pm is our Solution Service where intense prayers that are often directed towards a particular physical ailment, injury or spiritual affliction are made.

You can choose to join us live on Youtube and Facebook or visit us at No 13155 Westheimer Rd, Suite 23 Houston Tx, 77077 USA

What Are Foundational Problems Leading To Healing And Deliverance Church?

Foundational problems are problems that were caused by your ancestors or by your immediate parents. These problems are generated at your birth and also includes their lifestyle before and after your birth. This includes; demonic burials, blood covenants, idol worshipping and the likes of it.

Most people think that foundational powers and witchcraft activities are more common with the Africans. But that is an act of stereotyping, in fact, in the Bible, every town or city where Jesus preached had a spiritual and physical need that needed to be addressed through healing and deliverance.

More terrible to note is that foundational problems are devastating problems and are subtle in the lives of individuals where it operates. That is why many people who are caged by it are not bothered about it while it continues to destroy their destinies. And until you identify the problem and take-out time to address these issues through fire prayers , you will not experience tangible progress and breakthroughs in life.

The life of Gideon in the book of Judges chapter 6 is a good example. In order for God to use him to deliver the Israelites from the hands of the Midianites, He had to categorically instruct him to take down the altar of Baal in his father’s house. Was Gideon faithful to these idols? No, but because his father’s house identified with these idols, It became a hindrance to what God wanted to use him to do. But right after the altars were destroyed, God reestablished his covenant with his people and gave them victory over the Midianites through Gideon’s leadership.

In addition, another idol in the life of a man is sin. Which root cause can be traced to the inability to accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and saviour. Sin paves way for foundational problems to take hold of your life. With sin in your life, there are many good things it can hinder from happening to you including healing and deliverance.

For example, Samson in the book of Judges. Was he called? Yes, was he anointed? Yes, but he allowed the desires of the flesh to open up doors for the enemy to afflict him and cut short his destiny. So many Christians today are like Samson who out of ignorance gives room for foundational powers to take hold of their lives.

Let’s find out more…

Sin Opens You Up To Foundational Problems

Sin is an express gateway to foundational attacks and problems to take root in your life. It opens doors or gates in your spiritual hedge, allowing spiritual pollution to enter, thereby causing spiritual as well as physical problems. As a result, you hover here and there seeking healing and deliverance. Sin can actually make you sick spiritually, mentally, emotionally, and physically.
Healing and Deliverance Church Near Me
There is no “safe dabbling” or “demon free zone” when it comes to associations with the powers of darkness. Sins, wounds, and hurts are always barriers that separate you from approaching God or from feeling connected to Him. These dark influences in your life (at times resulting in bondage) hinder or prevent you from being restored to your rightful relationship with the Lord. From owning what God has given to you, from hearing His voice and knowing His will for your lives. Dark influences severely restrict your ministry; they keep you in bondage and prevent God’s healing and deliverance power from working in you.

Subsequently, when you finally decide to walk the path of light, you realise that these mistakes have cut so deep into your life that all you do is sit in painful regret. At this point, what you need is inner healing. A type of healing and deliverance that comes from the consistent study of the word of God.

You Need Inner Healing

Inner healing is a session of the healing and deliverance ministry that has to do with emotional hurts, past mistakes and experiences that are rather more emotional than physical. It engages the use of prayer, forgiveness, repentance, hurtful lies. And replacing them with truth and processing painful memories to bring emotional and spiritual healing.

Not only do you need healing and deliverance from a physical ailment or spiritual affliction but also, from hurt and past experiences. This type of healing and deliverance is known as inner healing. This is where the word of God is applied with words of prayers are administered.

When your soul is wounded, it opens your mind up to demonic interferences. And hinders you from accessing that which the Lord has planned for you.

Is it wrong to feel emotional hurt? No, because we are humans and are wired as emotional beings. But it becomes a problem when you continually dwell on these painful experiences that end up making you feel rejected, ignite hurt, pain and anger.

If you are experiencing such and confused on how to heal from these wounds, the best way to find true inner healing is, to be honest with yourself about what you feel and go to God with those things, open-heartedly, seeking answers. His words according to Paul in Hebrews 4:12 “…is living and powerful, sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing until it divides soul from spirit, joints from marrow and it can judge the thoughts and intentions of the heart.” His word will give you the answer you see.

No doubt, the Bible is a supernatural and wonderful spiritual book that brings true healing and deliverance. The word of God is His voice and His voice has powerful creating and healing power.

So, if you need inner healing and would like to speak with someone to guide you, please contact our healing and deliverance coordinator.


For without faith, it is impossible to please God. The word of God is the basis of our faith in God, “faith is built by hearing and hearing the word of God”. Therefore, healing and deliverance are two central parts of our salvation in God. And one of the ways to activate the blessings of God and salvation benefits in our lives is by building our faith. You cannot build your faith outside of the word of God, because the word of God is a strong tower, the righteous run to it and is safe.
Healing and Deliverance Church Near Me
Opening yourself up to the word of God is the only way you can have access to healing and deliverance. This is because his word is alive and active. God wants to see everyone set free. Walking in peace, prosperity and enjoying his blessings, after all, that is what Christ died for.

But how do you get to the place where you can see the miracle of healing and deliverance happen in, around and through you? It begins with the transformation and renewing of your mind. Faith is based on knowledge and everything we need to know to be a victorious Christian is explained in God’s word. See what apostle Paul said in 2 Peter 1:3-4 “according as his divine power hath given unto us all things that pertain unto life and godliness, through the knowledge of him that hath called us to glory and virtue: Whereby are given unto us exceeding great precious promises: that by these ye might be partakers of the divine nature, having escaped the corruption that is in the world through lust”

The word of God opens you up to the basic truths of life, and if properly understood and applied, will make a huge difference in releasing His power and leading you to receive your healing and deliverance.

Our Healing and Deliverance sessions

Of course in the presence of God healing and deliverance can be ministered even if the purpose of the gathering is different. As such, in Omega Fire Ministries Houston Tx, there is no specific day for healing and deliverance service. Our church service activities are designed in such a way that healing and deliverance can be administered to the hungry at all times.

Here is a list of what our church activity looks like:

1st Service 9 am

2nd Service 11 am


Bible Study 7 pm


Prayer and deliverance 7 pm
We are open from Monday to Saturday. You can call this number +18325988144 to make appointments. And on Sundays, we are open to hearing from you after services.

REGULARLY Scheduled H/D Sessions

Tuesdays at @7pm is our bible study time-tagged wisdom session. We believe that hearing the word of God is one way you can experience healing and deliverance. “So, then faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God” Romans 10:17

Every Thursday at 7 pm is a Red-Hot prayer service. Specifically meant for power-packed prayers. People have been healed and delivered over the years as a result of this weekly activity. Click here to see a list of our testimonies.

The additional time where we conduct healing and deliverance is on Sundays at 10 am during celebration service.


Healing and deliverance no doubt are two parts of our salvation experience. Therefore, it pleases God to heal and deliver you from every disease as well as to set you free from the shackles of the enemy.

Having faith on another hand is one of the ways you can activate the blessing of healing and deliverance in your life.

How do you activate your faith? You activate your faith by hearing the word of God Romans 10:17. With the Bible as our standard for living, we use the word of God to build foundations of faith. That way, you can have access to the healing and deliverance power of God.

By the consistent study of the Bible, you are able to believe that if God did it for his people in the Holy Bible by intervening for them, then, He will do it for you now. See God set you free and walk you into peace, prosperity and blessings!.

We are overly excited to see and hear from you soon, reach us by contacting: +18325988144 or visit us at No 13155 Westheimer Rd, Suite 23 Houston Texas 77077 USA


healing and deliverance prayer from generational curses

What is Deliverance Prayer?

Are you aware that deliverance prayer is one of the most effective prayers for spiritual healing and breakthrough? Deliverance prayer are prayers you pray to gain freedom from bondage and the oppression of the evil one. Therefore, it does not matter whatever you are going through, when you pray these deliverance prayer our God is big enough to bring you through it.

RedHot Deliverance Prayer with Pastor Rich Aghahowa

This list of deliverance prayer are prayers that are against evil foundation and witchcraft attacks in your life. To break free, pray these deliverance prayer vigorously with faith.

Oh, God! Take Me Out Of Foundation

Genesis 12:1-3

1- My Father! My Father! As I begin to pray, every evil foundation sponsoring affliction in my life, Lord bring me out!

2- My Father! My Father! As I begin to pray, the power to break out of altars and foundations, let it fall on me!

3- My Father! My Father! As I begin to pray, let the earthquake of the Lord shake the foundation of my father’s house!

4- My Father! My Father! As I begin to pray, every foundation holding me a prisoner, shake my foundation, bring me out!

5- My Father! My Father! As I begin to pray, every chain holding me and my family, oh Lord shake my foundation and lose the chain!

6- My Father! My Father! As I begin to pray, every evil foundation in my father’s and mother’s house that has covered my glory, oh God of Heaven, brings me out by fire!

7- My Father! My Father! As I begin to pray, every altar and foundation in my background preventing good from happening in my life, I tear it down!

8- My Father! My Father! As I begin to pray, every foundational power that fought my father and my mother and is fighting me today, I break out!

When you pray deliverance prayer, be rest assured that your prayers are answered and you will rejoice always in the Lord. See a list of other deliverance prayer that may be relating to your needs, here.

For more information please contact: +18325988144 or visit us at No

13155 Westheimer Rd, Suite 23 Houston Texas

77077 USA


Believing for the fruit of the womb

The difficulties of getting pregnant and the importance of believing for the fruit of the womb
Are you experiencing difficulties getting pregnant? Have you tried everything but you still cannot conceive? Have you been to different health centres but they still cannot point out the reason why you are unable to get pregnant? Or, is there a reason but no solution to it? Stop! This piece is for you, get to know what God is saying about your situation and carry your miracle baby.


Every couple, especially those in their first to the second year of marriage wants to get pregnant. That’s right, except for couples who unanimously agree to sort other things out before having babies. And if you find yourself engrossed in this piece, then probably you want to get pregnant but have difficulties conceiving. Do not fret, the good news is, God has prepared an answer for you here and soon you will testify.


One in five women experiences difficulties getting pregnant, which in some cases can be due to some underlying health issues. According to the World Health Organization in 2010, there are over 48.5 million infertile couples worldwide. And one may begin to wonder why such a number? As a believer, this is contrary to the scripture in Genesis 1:28 that says …be fruitful and multiply; fill the earth and subdue it…

What then could be the problem? You see, some reasons are controllable for example being too overweight or underweight, eating disorders, excessive exercise, smoking and drinking. While other uncontrollable factors for women having difficulties getting pregnant are age, ovulation irregularities, low sperm count, serious underlying health issues and even spiritually related.

Unfortunately, most people do not believe that having difficulties getting pregnant can also be spiritually related well, let’s take a dive into the scripture that says because the Lord had closed Hannah’s womb, her rival kept provoking her to irritate her…1 Samuel 1:6 and another that says when the Lord saw that Leah was not loved, he enabled her to conceive but Rachel remained childless.

This, however, is not to debunk the fact that health challenges contribute to infertility but to as well open your eyes to the understanding that there could be an unseen force responsible for the reason why you are having difficulties getting pregnant.


Of course, something can be done about infertility. The solution to infertility is proffered depending on the root cause of the issue. For issues that are health-related and uncontrollable, fertility drugs to help the woman ovulate and increase the man’s sperm count is a good way to start, surgery is also recommended in cases whereby there are tissues blocking fertility or blocking the fallopian tubes resulting in endometriosis. While controllable factors should be taken into consideration by quitting completely (e.g smoking and drinking), reducing exercise rate, and reducing or increasing food intake.
The difficulties of getting pregnant
For issues that are spiritually related just like Hannah in 1st Samuel, prayer does all the magic. It breaks yokes, provokes deliverance and quickens answers to prayers. As our father Abraham – the father of faith believed in God and it was accounted to him as righteousness Genesis 15:6. In the same vein, while praying do not lose faith, believe and soon you will carry your miracle baby.

Meanwhile, going through storms of life is one interesting part of being a believer because no matter the wind, God is readily available to deliver – many are the afflictions of the righteous, but the Lord delivers them out of them all Psalm 34:19. So, it doesn’t matter if your case is medical related or even spiritual related, God who did it for Hannah and for Rachel will do it for you. Because with Him, nothing is impossible Luke 1:37.


We cannot always change our circumstances, what we can control, however, is how we cope with the challenges we face. Having difficulties getting pregnant after many trials and errors can be frustrating but there are things to do in order to keep your hope alive. When it seems like it is taking over your life, remember the scripture in James that says the testing of your faith produces patience…But let patience have its perfect work, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking nothing.

Perfect work bred in faith and patience is a result of work and effort put together and you know what the Bible says about faith without works? It says faith without works is dead! Remember it takes two to tango so, don’t stop at praying. Imagine if Hannah had stopped at praying and believing God for a miracle baby as in the case of Mary the mother of our Lord and saviour Jesus Christ, she would definitely have no Samuel to offer to God.

So, how do you relate it to our world of today?


Vaginal intercourse is the most reliable and common way to get pregnant, that is how it has been right from inception – creation. However, as a result of some underlying health challenges, science has found other ways a woman can get to carry her own baby. These other ways are In Vitro Fertilization commonly known as IVF, Surrogacy and Intrauterine Insemination.

But it is also important to let you know that, that there are other ways does not mean you should give up on God and stop trusting Him to carry your own baby in the most natural way. God has created you with physical abilities to reproduce and just as He said to Adam and Eve, He wants you to fill the earth with your fruits Genesis 1:28.

Children are a gift from God and the fruit of the womb is a reward Psalm 127:3-5. And it is God’s utmost desire to see you prosper 3 John 1:2 that is why He has sworn never to cut off the expectations of the righteous Proverbs 10:24, 23:18. More of the reason why He showed up for Rebekah Genesis 25:21, Elizabeth the mother of John the Baptist Luke 1, Rachel Genesis 30:22, and many others.


Timing is everything if you want to stop having difficulties getting pregnant. And the day, before you ovulate, is the right time to get intimate with your partner when planning pregnancy. The more often you have sex during this window, the better your chances of getting pregnant.

What is ovulation? Ovulation happens to every woman each month. This is when your ovaries release an egg halfway through your menstrual cycle. After its release, the egg moves to the fallopian tube and stays there for 12 to 24 hours ready to be fertilized. And since sperm can live inside the female reproductive organ as long as five days after sexual intercourse, you have a better chance of getting pregnant when you have sex before or during ovulation.

Meanwhile, you cannot be thriving to get pregnant when on the contrary you are using contraception. Choose to have healthy and natural sex.


The world will make you believe that age is one determining factor you should consider when trying to conceive. But as believers, we are made to understand that age is nothing but just a number. As it was in the case of mother Sarah in Genesis and Elizabeth in Luke and with most women in today’s world who have had their miracle babies at an age where people and even science least expect.

Therefore, no sign is big enough to deter you from trying to conceive; rather, it should stir up your faith enough to believe and trust God that you will soon carry your baby.


A newly wedded couple cannot be diagnosed with infertility until they have tried to conceive for more than a year. Then it will become obvious that there is a problem or a condition interfering with conception.

But for a woman who is 35 and a man who is 40 years and above, one year is too long to wait before seeking medical help. Also, couples with a history of health challenges that relate to the reproductive organs should seek medical help as the case may be. Especially for women who have had a history of irregular menstrual cycles, miscarriages, pelvic inflammatory diseases, endometriosis, polycystic ovarian syndrome and uterine fibroids.


God desires to see His children prosper. And fruitfulness as in the times of old is a sign that God is with His people Exodus 23:26, this is not to say that being unfruitful is a sign that God does not love you. As aforementioned, unfruitfulness can be a sign of an attack from the enemy, that is why we must always pray. Likewise, having children is one of the ways you can contend with the enemy Psalm 127:5b.

The bible is clear that God is intimately involved with fertility because He is the one who opens the womb and closes it Genesis 29:31. And because children are a gift and a reward, He has compassion on those who are barren. That is why the Bible records several instances of His intervention to open the womb of infertile women such as Hannah, Sarah, Rachel, Leah and Elizabeth.


Not true! Because God is faithful enough to fulfil all the desires of your heart Psalm 37:4 just when you take pleasure in Him. Bearing children is a reward from God and as a child of God, it is your possession. This is why Jesus Christ in the new testament, used fertility as a metaphor to describe the life of a true disciple. Matthew 13:23 and John 15:5 outrightly tell us that God desires for us to prosper not just physically but spiritually that is why He chose you and appointed you so that you might go and bear fruit-fruit that will last John 15:16.

In conclusion, it is not written in the annals of Heaven that you remain barren as such, Join Pastor Rich Aghahowa in this fire brand and power-packed God of Hannah prayer meeting every Saturday (June 18th – July 30th 2022) as he ministers to those who are having difficulties getting pregnant and trusting God for the fruit of the womb.

And if you are one of them, get ready, the God of Hannah will visit you. Click here to register

overcome the strong man in your fathers house

Friday Solution Prayer with Pastor Rich Aghahowa Strong Man Go Down!!

Strong man go down prayer points: 1 Samuel: 2:6-10

1- My Father! My Father! As I begin to pray, you strong man that has declared yourself enemy of my destiny, your time is up, expire!

2- My Father! My Father! As I begin to pray, every strong man seating on my destiny, your time is up, expire by fire !

3- My Father! My Father! As I begin to pray, any wicked man or wicked woman responsible for the tears in my family, your time is up, expire by fire!

Strong Man Go Down
4- My Father! My Father! As I begin to pray, anybody that has vowed to kill, to destroy my life and that of my loved ones, let their evil backfire!

5- My Father! My Father! As I begin to pray, you have my permission enter my father’s and mother’s house, any man or woman using diabolical operations to frustrate me, your time is up, expire!

6- My Father! My Father! As I begin to pray, any wicked man or woman consulting an oracle to fire arrow and place curses, let their wickedness come to an end, let them expire!

7- My Father! My Father! As I begin to pray, you strong man holding my light, my gladness, my joy, I command you to go down!

Click to see a list of prayer points that will help you overcome the vices of the enemy

For more information please contact: +18325988144 or visit us at No

13155 Westheimer Rd, Suite 23 Houston Texas

77077 USA

15 nights of war against altars

15 Nights of War Against Altars with Pastor Rich Aghahowa

15 NIGHTS OF WAR AGAINST ALTARS – Breaking Through Stubborn Altars

Jeremiah 50:33-34

1- My Father! My Father! As I begin to pray, my redeemer is strong! Every stubborn altar that has held me and refused to let me go in the name of Jesus, break by fire!

2- My Father! My Father! As I begin to pray, every stubborn altar that has held me fast and has refused to let me go, I break your hold by fire!

7 Nights of War Against Altars DAY 6
3- My Father! My Father! As I begin to pray, every stubborn altar oppressing my life and destiny, in the name Jesus break by fire!

4- My Father! My Father! As I begin to pray, every stubborn altar that has caged my glory and that of my family members, break by fire!

5- My Father! My Father! As I begin to pray, every stubborn altar that is holding me as a legal captive, I belong to Jesus, I break your hold by fire! Isaiah 49:24

6- My Father! My Father! As I begin to pray, oh Lord of hosts every altar contending my destiny and my calling, Lord of hosts contend the altar by fire! Isaiah 49:25

7- My Father! My Father! As I begin to pray, you have my permission enter my father and my mother’s house, any deity or idol that they worshipped that is holding me in captivity, judge them by fire! Exodus 12:12

8- My Father! My Father! As I begin to pray, every stubborn altar of my father’s house resisting the work of my hands, the Lord rebuke you! Zechariah 3:2

9- My Father! My Father! As I begin to pray, every stubborn altar of my family that has formed a roadblock in my destiny, I command you to scatter by fire!

Click to see other lists of prayer points on 15 NIGHTS OF WAR AGAINST ALTARS that will enable you overcome the vices of the enemy.

For more information please contact: +18325988144 or visit us at No

13155 Westheimer Rd, Suite 23 Houston Texas

77077 USA

Restore your destiny through divine mandate

Yesterday the Holy Ghost moved in tremendous ways as Pastor Rich Aghahowa restored men to their destiny through prophetic words of declaration. It was an intense prophetic service in Omega Fire Ministries Houston as he unravels the mystery behind divine mandate.

He expounds that divine mandate differs from ministry to ministry and ministers to ministers. And for a minister to excel in ministry he must understand and work in line with the divine mandate of God for his life.

For a man’s destiny to be restored, such a person must understand the divine mandate allocated to the ministry where he worships, he adds by citing an example with God’s general Apostle Johnson Suleman whom God has given the mandate to wipe out tears and restore men to their destinies.

Restoring men to their destiny

Furthermore, he mentioned the names of different monarchs in the bible who walked in line with the divine mandate of God for their lives and prospered, persons like Moses whose mandate was to deliver the house of Jacob, Isaiah was to bring salvation to Israel, Prophet Jeremiah given the mandate to judge the house of Jacob and the mandate of Jesus Christ was to destroy the works of satan and so many others.

In essence, these men would not have prospered if they had walked outside the divine mandate of God for their lives. And by the reason of the divine mandate over the commission Omega Fire Ministries pastor declares:

“Because my father in the Lord has been given the divine mandate to wipe out tears, therefore I stand on this altar to declare over your life; whatever it is that was lost in your life in the previous generation, you shall recover it. I restore your health, I restore your finance, I restore your marriage, I restore your career in the name of Jesus”

Get a refreshing time in the presence of God as you connect with Pastor Rich Aghahowa on YouTube:

For more information please contact: +18325988144 or visit us at No

13155 Westheimer Rd, Suite 23 Houston Texas

77077 USA

Healing Place Church

Healing Place Church; Healing is a fundamental aspect of the Christian faith, and it is an essential part of the church’s mission. The church has a vital role to play in facilitating the healing process, and it does so in several ways. This article explores how healing takes place in church, including the role of faith, prayer, community, and the power of the Holy Spirit.

Healing is a fundamental aspect of the Christian faith, and it is an essential part of the church’s mission. The church has a vital role to play in facilitating the healing process, and it does so in several ways. This article explores how healing takes place in church, including the role of faith, prayer, community, and the power of the Holy Spirit.

Healing Place Church

How Healing Takes Place in Church

Healing is an integral part of the Christian faith, and it is a crucial part of the church’s mission. The church has a unique role to play in facilitating healing, both physically and spiritually. While modern medicine has made significant strides in treating illnesses and diseases, there are still some ailments that cannot be treated with medication or surgery. In these cases, the church can provide spiritual support, which can be just as important as medical care.

The Role of Faith in Healing

Faith is a critical component of the healing process. Faith allows individuals to believe in the possibility of healing, even when medical science cannot provide a cure. Faith is a powerful force that can catalyze healing and enable individuals to overcome physical and emotional obstacles.

Faith as a Catalyst for Healing

Faith can help individuals to cope with their illnesses and provide them with the strength to face their challenges. Faith can also provide individuals with hope, which is essential when dealing with a chronic illness or disease. Faith can enable individuals to see beyond their present circumstances and envision a future in which they are healed.

Biblical Examples of Faith Healing

The Bible contains numerous examples of faith healing. In Mark 5:25-34, a woman with a chronic bleeding disorder was healed when she touched Jesus’ cloak. In Matthew 9:27-31, two blind men were healed when they expressed their faith in Jesus. These examples demonstrate the power of faith in facilitating healing.

The Power of Prayer in Healing

Prayer is another essential component of the healing process. Prayer can provide individuals with comfort and support, and it can also help individuals to connect with God. Prayer can take many forms, including petition, intercession, and thanksgiving.

Types of Prayers for Healing

There are several types of prayers for healing, including prayers for physical healing, emotional healing, and spiritual healing. Physical healing prayers ask for God’s intervention to cure a specific ailment or disease. Emotional healing prayers ask for God’s comfort and support in dealing with emotional pain or trauma. Spiritual healing prayers ask for God’s intervention to heal spiritual wounds and restore a person’s relationship with God.

The Role of Intercessory Prayer

Intercessory prayer is another important aspect of prayer in healing. Intercessory prayer involves praying on behalf of someone else, asking God to heal them physically, emotionally, or spiritually. Intercessory prayer is a powerful tool that can provide individuals with hope and support, even when they cannot pray for themselves.

The Role of Community in Healing

The church community also plays a crucial role in facilitating healing. The support of friends and family can provide individuals with the emotional and practical support they need to overcome their challenges. Pastoral care is also an essential

Types of Healing That Takes Place In Church

There are several types of healing that can take place in a church setting, including physical, emotional, and spiritual healing.

1. Physical Healing: This type of healing focuses on the body and involves the treatment of physical ailments and illnesses. In a church setting, physical healing may involve prayer, laying on of hands, anointing with oil, or other spiritual practices that are believed to facilitate physical healing.

2. Emotional Healing: Emotional healing focuses on healing emotional wounds and traumas. In a church setting, emotional healing may involve counseling, support groups, or prayer that addresses emotional pain and trauma. Emotional healing may also involve forgiveness, reconciliation, and restoration of broken relationships.

3. Spiritual Healing: Spiritual healing focuses on the healing of the soul or spirit. It involves the restoration of a person’s relationship with God and may involve confession, repentance, and receiving forgiveness. Spiritual healing may also involve the casting out of demonic spirits or breaking of generational curses.

4. Miraculous Healing: Miraculous healing is an extraordinary type of healing that occurs without medical intervention or natural means. It involves the manifestation of supernatural power, and it may involve the laying on of hands, anointing with oil, or prayer. Miraculous healing is not guaranteed, but it is believed to be possible through the power of the Holy Spirit.

In a church setting, healing is often facilitated through a combination of these different types of healing, with a focus on treating the whole person – body, mind, and spirit. The church community plays a vital role in supporting individuals who are seeking healing, providing emotional and practical support, and connecting them with resources that can help them on their healing journey. Ultimately, the healing that takes place in a church setting is believed to come from God, who is the ultimate source of healing and restoration.